Croissant crazes

Everybody loves a croissant. But if you’re a bit bored of plain old pastries, there’s always a new variation popping up. Like the crookie: the latest croissant hybrid to take over the internet. This flaky pastry stuffed with cookie dough has gone global since first being made at a Parisian bakery in December - and they’ve recently been spotted at our very own Zonts Bakehouse. Zonts also churn out new flavours of creme-filled croissant wheels on the regular, as well as twice-baked croissant creations to tempt your tastebuds.

Both Zonts and another creative croissanterie, Croff Bakehouse, have also been seen serving up the trending flat smashed croissant, for those who like things extra crispy. Croff is the place to go for croffles (croissants turned into waffles) too. With ever-changing menus, you’ll never be bored thanks to these Perth patisseries.